Archive for February, 2011

If you can’t get rid of the Smoker, get rid of the Smoke

A lot of couples find it frustrating when one smokes in the house and the other doesn’t approve. We all know it’s taboo now-a-days to say that someone still smokes in the house, but it’s still around and still presents a major problem for some households. The smell can be overbearing for the non-smoker but the convenience of doing what you want in your own home can override the choice not to smoke in the house for the other. How do you find that perfect balance?

Well, you may want to try a carbon-based air filter. Carbon is designed to literally absorb smoke and household chemicals by a chemical reaction within the activated carbon filter media. This reaction will pull the smoke from the air to help reduce the amount of visible smoke as well as the odors that come along with it. This may not be the perfect choice, but if it can help purify the air and reduce the amount of second-hand smoke the family members breathe in, then it’s definitely worth it.

Carbon filters can range in price from extremely expensive to store-brand cheap. Depending on the size room you are trying to rid of smoke, you may need to invest some serious cash to get the right one. IQAir has a purifier called the Multigas that can remove 99.99% of airborne particles and household chemicals including smoke and the chemicals that are associated with smoke. It has the #1 ratings out of most other purifiers and comes with a 5 year warranty. definitely worth checking out. Click here to learn more about this amazing purifier.

February 28, 2011 at 4:23 am 1 comment

html code

Talk about frustrating! I spent an hour yesterday trying to figure out how to decrease the space between paragraphs. I mean come on, you would think with all the information out on the web that someone would have had this same question. But noooo!

After all the research and (word, no?) I came up with the conclusion, that I really just need to leave the page as is and leave the darn space where it is. Will anyone even notice the difference, probably not! Happy Friday everyone! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you’re getting snow like we are, stay warm!

February 25, 2011 at 5:26 pm 2 comments

Water Air Purifier, oxymoron or the real deal?

Well, after my discussion yesterday about having water air purifier as one of our top keyword terms, I decided to find out exactly what was out on the market for it. With so many people searching for water air purifiers, there must be something that fits the description right? Right!

I found this little cute purifier called the Mini Max ™ water-based air purifier. It is so neat! This purifier can cover between 300 and 800 square feet and has the option to add aromatherapy oils to smell up the room all the while cleaning your air. How crazy! So, we decided to begin offering this little purifier on our website. It should be up and ready to go sometime in the next 3 weeks if you want to check it out.

Amazing huh? Ask and you shall receive I believe is the phrase. Instead of sitting there getting confused about why people would search for an oxymoron and trying our hardest to redirect them to an air purifier that we actual have, we set out to fulfill the needs of our customers so they can find what they are looking for. Isn’t that the goal of an e-commerce site anyway? To help customers find what they are looking for. So the moral of the story is, be open to new ideas even if they sound kind of crazy! 🙂

February 24, 2011 at 4:17 pm 1 comment

Give us Feedback about the new website

We have just launched our new website and are still working out some tweaks. We would love any kind of feedback and/or comments you could offer up to help us improve the design and userability of the site.

Thanks for all the effort and I look forward to all the comments!

February 23, 2011 at 9:27 pm 1 comment

Air air purifier top keyword

Did you know that the top keyword for air purifier stores is air air purifier? I don’t know about you but I find this fact to be strange, I mean, who writes that? Why would someone be interested in air purifiers for air? Doesn’t the phrase air purifier already signify that the purifier is for purifying the air?

Well, what do I know. I guess this isn’t as strange as our website’s top searched keyword. Water air purifier… figure that one out! 🙂

February 23, 2011 at 9:19 pm 1 comment


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